
At six years old I was given a copy of Hans Christian Anderson’s Fairy Tales, a lovely edition illustrated by Rex Whistler. The intense black and white wood engravings had a profound effect, giving me a visual language to express myself and influencing both the art I admire and my own choice of subject and medium. I still return to the images and my childhood memories spring to mind in the style of the book – brightly lit, sharply focused, enclosed by deep darkness. My childhood was spent in a very rural part of Gloucestershire, the village surrounded by the beautiful flood meadows of the river Severn, there was no electricity so darkness for me was very real and very dark. Many of my prints are in black and white and some of my work is in book form.

I love the practical process of printmaking and find there is always a technique perfect for the idea I want to express. In 2000 I studied for a degree in Fine Art at Oxford Brookes University, learning about many media but returning to printmaking as my favourite.

My work, an altered book and prints, has been chosen as part of Strange Worlds: The Vision of Angela Carter at the Royal West of England Academy in December 2016  celebrating the life and work of the writer. The exhibition is co-curated by  Dr Marie Mulvey-Roberts and Fiona Robinson MA RWA

I will be part of ‘Illuminating the discarded library’ an exhibition of altered books  to be exhibited at Christchurch College Rare Books Library in Oxford in 2017

My work has been selected for exhibitions in Europe, the US and Japan,  I’ve had work selected for the annual exhibitions of the Society of Wood Engravers



Here are some of the places I’ve exhibited my prints and books:

Spike Island Artists Book Exhibition Bristol
Stowe House Exhibition
Milton Keynes Open Studios
GPC Small Print Exhibition Stroud Gloucestershire

A4 International Contemporary Print Exhibition Falmouth
MK Printmakers Group Show Barn Gallery artworks-mk
AIM Gallery Central Milton Keynes
Dragon Gallery Buckingham

Society of Wood Engravers 74th Annual Exhibition
A4 Printmakers Exhibition, Falmouth
Print! The Exchange Gallery. Penzance Cornwall
The Sewell Centre Gallery Radley College
Barn Gallery, Milton Keynes
Central Milton Keynes Exhibition Space
Church of Christ Cornerstone – MK Printmakers Christmas Exhibition
AIM Gallery. Milton Keynes
Artlink Gallery Hull

Society of Wood Engravers 74th Annual Exhibition
Artlink Gallery Hull
Barn Gallery Great Linford MK
Luton Hoo Walled Garden Exhibition
Society of Wood Engravers 75th Annual Exhibition

20:20 Print Exchange – Red Hot Press Salford

Radley Winter Show


Soc. of Wood Engravers Annual Exhibition Bankside Gallery London, Oxford, Thirsk 

RCA Secrets  

Shoosmiths Prize Exhibition Milton Keynes April-September

Waddesdon Manor Artists and Makers Fair May and October

Shoosmiths Solicitors Milton Keynes

Obsidian Gallery Aylesbury

MK Printmakers Open Day November

20:20 Print Exchange Red Hot Press Salford, Bolton, Liverpool, Edinburgh, Wakefield.

Winter Show SewellCentreGallery RadleyCollege Oxford. Oct/Nov.

Christmas Exhibition Milton Keynes Arts Centre Barn Gallery MK


‘Limited Editions’ Exhibtions Michael Heseltine Gallery Chenderit

Southbank Printmakers Gallery  Gabriel’s Wharf London April/May

Market Place Gallery  Olney  Bucks

MK Printmakers South Pavilion MK Arts Centre Gt Linford June

20:20 Print Exchange Hot Bed Press Salford

International Mokuhanga Conference Tokyo Artists’ Book Exhibition


The Market Place Gallery  Olney  Bucks

RCA Secrets Exhibition

Center for Contemporary Prints USA

Art at 88 in Berkhamsted  htpp://

Wood End Gallery Pertenhall Beds

20:20 Print Exchange


RCA Secrets  Exhibition

20:20 Print Exchange with Upstart Press

Strange Worlds: The vision Of Angela Carter Royal West of England Academy Bristol

Market Place Gallery Olney Bucks

Wood End Gallery Pertenhall Beds